Sometimes the biggest hurdle in lending a helping hand can be in just getting started.
The ‘how’, or ‘where’ or ‘when’ can be a real problem. The Humanity Project is adaptive and flexible in a way that works for you and maximizes your much appreciated contribution in whatever shape it may take: time, goods, services and/or a financial gift.
Sharing The Humanity Project’s Story and offering up new and innovative ideas can make a huge difference! We would love to hear from you! Following us on YouTube and Twitter; and liking us on Facebook are also very helpful.
Thank You!
Ways to Donate
All donations go to helping your communityDonate With Paypal
Donate by clicking the link below. Remember, 100% of monetary donations go to the community.
You can send e-transfers to
Please contact us in advance, at the above email, before making the transfer.
In Person
You can donate using Cash/Cheque or by giving with Physical Goods (food or adult clothing)
at 449 St George St, Moncton
Monday-Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm
on Weekends   8:00am to 1:30pm
Arrange a meeting time with the
Remember Us As You Recycle!
To support us when recycling… at the following Recycling Depots please indicate the proceeds are to go to
 The Humanity Project.
Riverview Bottle Exchange
609 Pine Glen Rd
Riverview, NB
E1B 4X2
Phone: (506) 387-3004
Gorbers Bottle Exchange
216 High St
Moncton, NB
E1C 6C2
Phone: (506) 857-1018
Valley Redemption Centre Inc – Recycling/Bottle Exchange
323 Collishaw St,
Moncton, NB
E1C 9R2
Phone: (506) 859-1989
Help us support the community by volunteering your timeIf you, your business or organization want to help please contact us. Even an hour a month can make the difference.
If you are interested, fill out the form below, email us, or message us on our Facebook Page.
We Need You!
Thank You
Thank You to everyone who helped us help our community. Every. Single. Person. Who has spent even an hour of their time with us has moved us ever closer to achieving our goal of conquering homelessness and poverty in our community.
This goal may seem impossible some days as we face struggles,